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  • Pro Snapshots With just one touch of the Snapshot button you've instantly accessed another versatile creative shooting option that takes advantage of the full-frame, high-resolution images guaranteed by progressive scanning technology. Pro Snapshot digital stills are excellent for recording fast motion crisply, without blurring. All snapshots are accompanied by a realistic shutter shound, and can be recorded with approximately 6 seconds of audio. Switch to LP Mode and you can record nearly 900 audio-enhanced digital stills on a single mini DV casette. The range of snapshots is increased by an array of digital photographic effects selectable during both shooting and playback - including 4-frame and 9-frame snapshots, pin-up snapshots that are framed for display, and even negative (color reversal) snapshots. Insertable into any video footage, Pro Snapshots are ideal for producing multimedia catalogs of special occasions, so you'll always remember the details.
  • Progressive Mode Recording Progressive Mode utilizes the full advantages of the progressive scan CCD to capture both video and still shots of exceptional clarity. When you shoot moving video in Progressive Mode, it effectively takes high-resolution still-frame pictures at 30 frames per second. because it works like a high-speed motor drive, you can sure you've got the perfect shot, both moving and still. In playback, you can freeze each and every frame with superb clarity, giving you 100,000 high-quality shots on one 60-minute DV tape to choose from for downloading to a computer or printer.


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