13 Each television is designed to adhere to three basic elements: PICTURE, SOUND, and CONVENIENCE. Without due attention to each of these elements a television is just television. Regular televisions may have some pretty pictures and O.K. sound, but regular T.V.'s can turn potentially great entertainment into ordinary programming. We have taken your father's television and enlivened it into an audio/video sensation. Our 13" televisions pack an enormous entertainment punch with our unique care package of standard features. JVC - Turning Ordinary Programs Into Extraordinary Entertainment.



20 Every set is designed to adhere to three basic elements: PICTURE, SOUND, and CONVENIENCE. Without due attention to each of these elements a television is just television. Utilizing advanced and convenient options, we have taken your father's television and animated it into an audio/video sensation. All this plus JVC's unique care package of standard features, transform its' line of Color Televisions into an audio/video adventure. JVC - Turning Ordinary Programs Into Extraordinary Entertainment.



27 Inch Each television is designed to adhere to three basic elements: PICTURE, SOUND, and CONVENIENCE. Without serious attention to each of these elements a television is just television. Regular televisions may have some pretty pictures and O.K. sound, but they can turn potentially great entertainment into ordinary programming. Our new line of 27" Color Televisions posses the qualities needed to give you the caliber of entertainment you deserve. We have taken your father's television and converted it into an audio/video sensation. All this plus JVC's unique care package of standard features, transform its' line of Color Televisions into an audio/video adventure. JVC - Turning Ordinary Programs Into Extraordinary Entertainment.




32Each television is designed to adhere to three basic elements: PICTURE, SOUND, and CONVENIENCE. Without due attention to each of these elements a television is just television. Regular televisions may have some pretty pictures and O.K. sound, but it turns potentially great entertainment into ordinary programming. Our line of 32" Color Televisions captivate you with a vigorous picture and immerse you in a rich sound. We have taken your father's television and converts it into an audio/video sensation. All this plus JVC's unique Care Package of standard features, transform its' line of Color Televisions into an audio/video adventure. JVC - Turning Ordinary Programs Into Extraordinary Entertainment.




36 Each television is designed to adhere to three basic elements: PICTURE, SOUND, and CONVENIENCE. Without serious attention to each of these elements a television is just television. Regular televisions may have some pretty pictures and O.K. sound, but they can turn potentially great entertainment into ordinary programming. JVC has taken your father's television and animated it into an audio/video sensation. The 36" Color Televisions are equipped with all the essential elements needed to unleash your entertainment. Additionally, JVC's unique care package of standard features transform its' line of Color Televisions into an audio/video adventure. JVC - Turning Ordinary Programs Into Extraordinary Entertainment.



C-13910 | C-13911 | C-20910 | AV-20920 | AV-27920 | AV-27950 | AV-27980 | AV-32920 | AV-32950 | AV-32980 | AV-36950 | AV-36980

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