13JVC is proud to introduce the next generation of 13" Color Televisions, placing high quality features into each model. Each television is designed to adhere to three basic elements: PICTURE, SOUND, and CONVENIENCE. Without due attention to each of these elements a television is just television. Our 13" models offer an excellent feature package for your dollar. They feature black level expansion for rich, velvety blacks. Apacon is also included, providing a sharp picture. By including an audio/ video input, you can easily add on a VCR or a video game.

  • TV/VCR Combonation
  • Super Command Remote Control
  • 4 Head Mono VCR
  • AV Output
  • Multi-function Timer
  • MSRP: $319.95

  • Appliance White Cabinet
  • Super Command Remote Control
  • AV Input
  • Front Firing Speaker
  • Front earphone jack
  • Auto Programming
  • MSRP: $229.95

  • Super Command Reomte Control
  • AV Input
  • Front Firing Speaker
  • Front earphone jack
  • Auto Programming
  • MSRP: $229.95

TV-13140 | C-13011 | C-13010

13 Inch Screens | 20 Inch Screens | 27 Inch Screens | 32 Inch Screens | 36 Inch Screens | TV/VCR Combinations | |D-Series

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