Read Me For Windows

Welcome! Redecorate your computer with JVC's original Screensavers and Wallpapers for Euro2000.

To extract Screensavers
After download, double-click "euro_saver_bl.exe" or "euro_saver_wh.exe"
And, "Extract Folder" dialogue appears.
Choose your extract folder. In the case you choose Desktop, click "OK"
Then, "euro_blk.exe" or "euro_wh.exe" will appear in the extract folder or on Desktop

To install Screensavers
Simply double-click "euro_blk.exe" or "euro_wh.exe" in "Win" folder of the CD-ROM With this, Screensaver will be automatically installed in your Windows folder of C drive(C\Windows\) under the name of "euro_blk" or "euro_wh".

To start Screensaver
1) Open Display Control Panel. (Start button - Settings - Control Panel - Display)
2) Select Screen Saver page.
3) Select "euro_blk" or "euro_wh" whichever you like from Screen Saver pulldown menu.
4) Give "starting time" as you like.
5) Click OK to finalize this setup.

To extract BMP Wallpapers
After download, double-click "euro_bmp.exe"
And, "Extract Folder" dialogue appears.
Click "OK" on all windows which open continuously.
Then "Bmp" folder will appear on Desktop.

To install BMP Wallpapers
1) Simply move all BMP files ("xxx.bmp") in "Bmp" folder on Desktop to your Windows folder of C drive (C\Windows\).
2) Open Display Control Panel. (Start button - Settings - Control panel - Display)
3) Select Background page.
4) Select one of the wallpapers you've just installed, whichever you like, from Wallpapers pulldown menu.
5) Select tile or center as you like.
6) Click OK to finalize this setup.

To install JPG Wallpapers
1) Simply save a JPG file ("xxx.jpg") you choose in your Windows folder of C drive (C\Windows\).
2) Open Display Control Panel. (Start button - Settings - Control panel - Display)
3) Select Background page.
4) Select one of the wallpapers you've just installed, whichever you like, from Wallpapers pulldown menu.
5) Select tile or center as you like.
6) Click OK to finalize this setup.

JVC shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to your hardware or other software, as a result of the installation or operation of JVC's original Screensavers and Wallpapers for Euro2000. This software is for personal use only, and may not be duplicated, transferred or distributed without JVC's consent

Copyright 2000 Victor Company of Japan, Limited (JVC) All rights reserved. Euro2000 is a registered trademark of The Union des Associations Europeennes de Football (UEFA). Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.