Let us introduce our Design Staff !

"Sam" Masami TOYOSHIMA

Blood type : Rh+A

March 1939 born in Tokyo

The world famous studio designer "Sam" Toyoshima, a tough-guy who has the finest taste in acoustics.

He loves wines (and of course beer and spilits), music and he is crazy in Internet now !

"Seagull" Shigeru NISHI

Blood type : Rh+B

September 1947 born in Tokushima

He is the second acoustic designer in ADO.

His motto is "All the human being are friends".

He explains himself as "Professional AYU (english name is "sweet fish") angler" and "professional golfer (driving contest only)", but, who knows ?

Hidefumi "GUN" IWANAGA

Blood type : Rh+O

May 1952 born in Kumamoto

He is the system coordinator so called "GUN-chan"

He can coordinate all the kind of audio systems, from professional recording to amusement. He can coordinate a music from the scratch.

He is famous as "Silver Haired Sound Engineer"

"Shin-chan" Shinji SAITO

Blood type : Rh+A

February 1956 born in Wakayama

A master of architect who loves Japanese popular music so called "New Music".

He is a gambler, spoken by himself, but, nobody knows when he won last time. His purse is almost empty always.

His principles are "going the right way" .


Blood type : Rh+O

August 1955 born in Tokyo

A designer of architectual acoustics who designs concert halls, professional recording and also personal rehearsal studios. Some day he would like to outrun "Sam Toyoshima". (When ???)

He is fascinated with the depth of music and acoustics. Thats why he enjoys his jobs everyday.


Blood type : Rh+A

December 19xx born in Fukuoka

A mom and acoustician, also. she is growing up still together with her son.

Her main jobs are acoustics design, measurement, simulation, and so on.

Also she is trying to develop a auralization system of acoustics simulation.

Her favorite music are Jazz, Samba, and Southern Asian music, but, her audio system is occupied by her son. He hobbies are sking, playing tennis, and cook and eat delicious foods.

Hiroaki "HIRO" SAITO

Blood type : Rh+O

June 1966 born in Niigata

The youngest designer in Acoustic Design Office who wants to be a Master of Architecture , so he is studying very hard now.

The nice guy who can play tennis very well.

He is handsome, but he is single still....... No one knows why.

His favorite music are Jazz, Fusion, and Rock.

Takumi "Buchi-yan" MIZUBUCHI

Blood type : Rh+B

May 1963 born in Hokkaido

He is a new staff since 1st April 1997.

Many people know him since he has been working for famous professional audio equipment trading company before he joined us.

His speciality is system coordinate and ..................?